Fungal infection (Onychomycosis)
Onychomycosis is a fungal infection that can affect toenails and fingernails. It is most commonly seen in toenails affecting up to 14% of the population. This is due to the fact that we create the perfect environment for it to thrive… shoes! Shoes create a dark, moist and warm environment which is the perfect space for fungus to spread.
Onychomycosis can be spread through contaminated objects such as shoes, socks, showers and nail care equipment. Typically, a nail needs some sort of trauma being large or small to break the seal between the nail and nail bed. This allows the dermatophyte into the nail bed.
Onychomycosis appears as a white or brown colour of the nail. This tends to spread throughout the nail becoming increasingly discoloured, thickened and crumbly. Fungal infections generally do not cause any pain however if the nail shape changes or becomes thickened, this may cause some discomfort.
There is no quick fix for onychomycosis. No matter what treatment you use, you will need to be patient as the fungal infection will grow out with the nail. The gold standard for treatment is oral medication which needs to be prescribed through your GP. Unfortunately, these are not suitable for everyone due to possible side effects.
Topical antifungal paints are the most common form of treatment and if started early can be successful. Unfortunately, these can take up to 12 months of application.
Light therapy and laser therapy are some newer treatment options for really stubborn infections. If you think you may have a fungal infection, it is best to speak to your podiatrist as to find the best option for you.
Onychomycosis LOVES nail polish! If you paint your nails, we recommend painting them for an occasion and taking it off letting your nails breathe. This will help to naturally kill off any bugs that might have made their way onto your nails.